Category Kefir
How to make kefir at home
How to make kefir the traditional way? Kefir is a traditional fermented beverage with numerous health benefits: but to get the best of it, it has to be fresh – and for this do-it-yourself preparation is the best. Those of you who…
Plain Milk Kefir taste not for you? Flavour it!
After first 24 hours of fermentation you are presented with fantastic probiotic drink. Kefir is well known and celebrated for its health benefits. However, taste (and smell) of plain milk kefir is not pleasant to all. Taste of kefir highly…
Benefits of kefir
Kefir is a thick drink made by fermenting milk with kefir grains composed of lactic acid bacteria, yeast and polysaccharides. The grains culture the milk, infusing it with healthy organisms. These types of healthy bacteria or probiotics, are not available…