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Home > Recipes > Homemade mozzarella for every home cook!

Homemade mozzarella for every home cook!

Homemade mozzarella isn’t something scary and complicated that any home cook couldn’t make. It actually takes very little time and only few ingredients to prepare this traditional Italian cheese.


We decided to share this recipe for homemade mozzarella with you to give you some insight into all the delicious dishes that can be made with Kefirko Cheese Maker.



  • 1 l (34 oz) fresh milk
  • 1 tsp rennet
  • 1/2 tsp citric acid


Put the milk and citric acid in the pot and heat to 35 °C (95 °F) to make milk coagulate. Take down from the heat and stir in the rennet. Leave to stay for about 5-10 minutes to allow the milk to thicken. Cut to parts with a knife.

Heat to 40 °C (104 °F) to help the solids separate from whey.

Put the cheese in the Kefirko Cheese Maker mesh basket. Push down with a spoon to help the whey to strain faster.

Pour the strained whey back to a pot and heat to 80 °C (176 °F). Take the cheese out of the mesh basket and knead it into a ball. Use the plastic gloves for hygiene and because of the warmth.

Pour the heated whey into Kefirko Cheese Maker and dip in the mozzarella ball for 30 seconds, using the mesh basket. Mozzarella has to be covered in whey. After 30 seconds take the mozzarella out, stretch it and knead it back to a ball. Then dip it again into heated whey. Repeat the process at least 5 times until its smooth and stretches properly. If the whey is to cold, heat it up using the pot again.

If you can’t stretch smoothly the mozzarella ball, you can put it into a microwawe for 15 seconds on 700W then try kneading it again.

To store mozzarella, put it into the mesh basket in Kefirko Cheese Maker and pour in whey to cover the cheese. Store it in the fridge.


Recipe created Mrs. Urška Fartelj for Kefirko Cheese Maker recipe booklet.

Bon apetit!


Get Kefirko cheese maker here.
Articles: 144

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