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Home > Recipes > Enjoy fantastic fruit infused water

Enjoy fantastic fruit infused water

Enjoy a glass of fruit infused water!

During hot summer days one of the most important things we need to do for our body is to stay hydrated. There are plenty of juices and waters with taste in stores. However, the best and easiest for your body is just plain tap water (where it is drinkable).

Plain tap water can quickly become boring and we might not drink enough of it, because of that. What we can do is add taste. How? By adding various fruits, vegetables and herbs.

You can use just about anything you like. We used apples, oranges, lime and some mint in our Kefirko. Simply added water and placed it in the fridge. It will not take long to cool it down and then you can easily serve it. Once empty simply add more water. Fruits have more taste to give.

There are plenty more combinations you might want to try. From Strawberry Lemon water, Citrus and Cucumber to Raspberry, Rose Petal, and Vanilla). Fruit infused water is great for any situation and it will look stunning on your table. Your family and guests will love it. It’s also fantastic refreshment for workout. Take some with you to fitness or drink after running. Your body will be grateful.


Get Kefirko kefir fermenter here.
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