Brioche made with kefir
Brioche – a beautiful and tasty French pastry often enjoyed at breakfast. This rich buttery bread is usually made with milk or water which can…
Whey protein from the drink of gods
Whey is a side product when we make cheese from milk. It’s the the thin liquid that remains when we strain and curdle milk or kefir. You…
Which is the best milk for milk kefir?
Whether you are a beginner in milk kefir making or just interested in broadening your possibilities in making it, it’s not uncommon to ask yourself: “What…
Kefir bread with spelt flour and seeds
Don’t be intimidated, its not just our mothers and grandmothers who know the secrets to bread making. Kefir bread from spelt flour can be a…
Probiotic drink to boost your kids immunity!
How can probiotic drink help your kids immune system? Even though winter is slowly coming to its end, we are still facing non-stop common colds, coughing…
5 steps to revive milk kefir grains
The wonderful thing about milk kefir grains is their endurance. Even after pausing their activity to produce kefir you can revive milk kefir grains. There…
Chocolate muffins with kefir and apple
With colder and shorter days we usually spend more time inside where it’s warm and cosy. And what better pastime is there than making magic…
How to second ferment kefir
Once you have made your way in kefir making process and figured all the right measures, sizes and tastes of it, it is a good…
Story of minerals in homemade kefir
As you may know, homemade kefir is a great source of vitamins, minerals, probiotics, and a variety of other unique compounds. And these are important…
Water kefir with a twist – Fizzy Orangeade
If you like drinking water kefir, you may like to try giving to it some twist. And what better twist than mixing the water kefir…
Kefir – one of the most powerful probiotic foods
One of interesting facts about kefir is that it is not only probiotic foods (beneficial microorganisms), but also a prebiotic drink. Firstly, it contains beneficial microorganisms…
Autumns’ Favorites: Pumpkin Soup With Kefir
The fall has fallen and so are its colors. Using its brush as an action painter, mother nature goes around and brings joy of autumn’s…